Sveltekit Firebase Authenication Recipe Site
- Code
- Documentation for SvelteKit
- Documentation for Firebase Auth
- Documentation for Sveltestrap
SvelteKit Notes
- app.html in the source folder contains the html wrapper. If you are coming from sapper think of it as template.html
- layout files look like this __layout.svelte and must contain a slot to render out content from the pages.
- To create a page put it under the src -> routes folder.
SvelteStrap Notes
- When importing components sveltestrap/src
Firebase Initialization
- Import Firebase from 'firebase/app' for security reasons.
- It must happen in an on mount
- The firebase config is publicly available
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Firebase Login with google
- Wrap in a try catch
- Error will occur if the user leaves the pageg so don't respond to all errors.
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Firebase Authentication Listener and AuthStore
- AuthStore stores the state of the user using the site.
- Listener sets the authStore
- AuthStore uses typescript which helps with documentation.
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firebase listener
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Protected Pages
- Use the authStore to boot people out of protected pageg.
- You don't need to wrap it in an onMount so it's ssr safe.
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