Auto Generated Documentation

We use theNelmioApiDocBundle to auto generate docs for us. It will parse all of our routing annotations and produce a document that lets people test drive our application.


What this does is say that for the api we using Authorization header with a token prefixed with bearer for our authentication. In the top right corner you will see a place to enter that that token so you don’t have to do it on every request. It also say that by default send all the requests as json.

    name: 'Symfony Starter Api'
            name: Authorization
            delivery:  http
            type: bearer
            formats: [json, form]
            default_format: json

To document an end point you only need the ApiDoc annonation. Here is an example.

     * @ApiDoc(
     *  resource=true,
     *  description="Get's a user",
     *  section="Users",
     *  authentication=true
     * )

You can read more about in the helpful links section.
