Facebook Javascript Workflow

1) We load the facebook library asynchronously. 2) We attached a jquery on listener to open a facebook login modal 3) Once the user clicks on that btn a modal is fired. Notice on the request for the modal we specify the scopes.

All of this is done in the facebook-auth-js.html.twig.

4) The access token is sent to the server and the session is authenticated. 5) Redirect the user to their previous page if possible, otherwise send them home.

All this is done in the token-auth-js.html.twig.

Google Javascript Workflow

One thing to note about google is that google required it’s client key be put in the metadata of the page.

This is done here layout.html.twig.

1) We attached a click event listener to the button. 2) When the button is click the user is taken to a new tab to authenticate.

All this happens in the google-auth-js.html.twig.

4) The access token is sent to the server and the session is authenticated. 5) Redirect the user to their previous page if possible, otherwise send them home.

All this is done in the token-auth-js.html.twig.


In our security.yml file we create a token auth guard for session. This guard works exactly the same as the ApiLoginToken guard with 2 important differences.

    pattern: ^/*
    anonymous: ~
    provider: app_proivder
    switch_user: true
        login_path: login
        check_path: login
            - AppBundle\Security\Guard\Token\SessionLoginTokenGuard

1) onAuthenticateSuccess: Just Authenticates the session 2) getCredentials: It looks for a different end point.